Thursday, September 22, 2011

Forgiveness is Key

While reading this book, I saw an overall theme. Everywhere I read there was someone who needed to forgive someone else or needed forgiveness. All that Aaron Blank wanted from his father was forgiveness for his past. He wanted to be embraced as the man he is rather than the man he was. Sylvia ran away from her problems and didn't ever intend to be forgiven, because she never wanted anyone to know of her sins. And lastly, Cara had hated her father for years, but when she found out that she couldn't join the Amish faith before forgiving him, she had to really try to forgive. Forgiveness is probably one of the hardest virtues to fulfill, because it is based on whether we are ready to let God heal us. Forgiveness heals wounds that might have been there for years, but we can't always forgive people on our own,most of the time we need God to be there so that we can lean on Him when we become too exhausted mentally and spiritually to even go another day. Forgiveness takes so much from a person that most people just find it easier to hold a grudge, but you can never know true peace until you no longer hate another person. God calls us to live in peace with each other and I think that this book is a great example of how to finally come to that point when the hate doesn't matter anymore and you just want to embrace your fellow brother in Christ.

For the first chapter, go to

I reveived this book from Waterbrook Mulnomah Publishers though their Blogging for Books program in exchange for an honest review.

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